Who can issue iso certification in India?

Who Can issue ISO certification in India

Who can issue iso certification in India?


Iso certification is a quality standard certificate. it is a mark of assurance, quality, safety, and efficiency. This is important for the customer. This will give satisfaction to the customer. This will give confidence to the customer. A standard-level company will understand the customer. 

The government has recognized ISO. But these are not government organizations. This Certification is a registered organization. If you want ISO certification. So you do not have to go to the government, you have to go to the Bureau of Indian Standards. Who can issue ISO certification in India Know more about it.

Iso certification issue in India  

In India, Only the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) will issue ISO certification It is called the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). They have experts. If you want an ISO certificate then you have to go to the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). Only then will you get the certification. No one else can issue this certification.

When you go to get your certification, they will first survey your company and improve your work process. Iso auditor will manage tasks, manage staff, and survey the quality of your work When your way of working is of standard level, then your company’s product will also be of standard quality.

This will train you on how to bring your company’s standards to international levels. When your company’s work process reaches the quality and standard level after this audit, you will get ISO certification after inspecting it for the last time. Do you know why this certification is necessary? Let’s find out more about it in depth.

Why is ISO certification needed? 

Some people believe that ISO certification centers are related to the government. This certificate will prove to the central government but it is not so. The government will have nothing to do with this certification. The central government will not prove this certification. Rather ISO will prove it to the central government. You should trust its quality and standard. The work processes of the company are of international level and its quality is of international level. You can sell these products in international business. Therefore, the Central Government and all the clients will require the International Organisation for Standardisation to prove the quality of their company’s working process and to prove the international level of their company.

This will increase the trust in your company’s product and the number of your customers will also increase. We will get many such benefits from this Certification.

Benefits of ISO Certification:-

  • Builds a better corporate image.
  • This will provide a competitive advantage and – make the quality and standards of your products and work processes known in the market. 
  • It reduces warranty/liability claims through the reduction of defects in your products.
  • Your company will have a better track record in the event of litigation.
  • Certification reduces the need for other part evaluations.
  • Maintains independent, unbiased, and professional verification in your company. 
  • It results in prompt correction of defects and deficiencies.
  • Clearly states your company’s responsibilities and authorities
  • It is important to take care that this mistake is not repeated.


You know that this organization is an independent non-governmental organization. The government will have nothing to do with ISO certification. Or the government will have the right to issue ISO. In India, the International Organisation for Standardisation certification will be issued by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) which is the duly authorized national standardization body of ISO. It will increase the trust of the customer in your company and increase the value of your organization. It proves the international level quality of your product.

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