Formalities chk pass in Trademark

Formalities chk pass in Trademark

Introduction Trademarks play a very important role in protecting any business or brand. It is important to register a trademark to get all the legal rights to protect the brand or business. However, the process of trademark registration is very long, complex, and time-consuming. It is much more complicated than filling out an application form […]

Copyright a Song in India

Overview In India, it is important to get a copyright for your all creations. Composing and creation take time, effort and talent, no one can easily do that. While creating or composing a song or album your next will be the copyright them. it is important to get a copyright for your songs so no […]

Use of Trademarks in Social Media

Overview In this era of social media, it has become very important to protect your profile, username, and your content from others. These apps like YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook have changed the way of uploading and sharing content. Nowadays everyone shares their brand products and services on social media so that more and more people […]

ISO 20000 Certification Requirements

Introduction ISO 20000 is the greatest global intelligence equipment service management system standard to confirm the quality of  It (information technology )services your company distributes. It outlines the necessities for setting rise the management method and the best rehearsal for controlling a company’s IT service.  the ITIL depicts best practices that can attain the same […]

ISO 50001-BS/EN 16001

Introduction  ISO 50001 certification is one form of this. It is an international standard that measures how much energy efficiency an organization can achieve. All organizations can get certified to ensure that their organization can achieve the best energy efficiency. ISO 50001-BS/EN 16001 is an energy management standard. It provides guidelines to meet the energy […]

ISO 14229 Certification

Introduction  ISO 14229 Certification is known as UDS (Unified Diagnostic Service). Its basis is the KWP two thousand standards for CAN and K-line. UDS development arose from new standards. It was a success in Standardizing new requirements. The standards that are there before this. Those standards also have developments in technology. All these standards are […]

Cyber Security Standards

Introduction There is a Gem of information in the organization. Along with this, there is some information that the organization wants to keep limited to itself. For the security of all this information, there is ISO 27001 certification. This certification comes under the information security system. The organization can keep its information safe with this. […]

Trademark Infringement in India

Trademark infringement is a significant challenge that companies of all sizes encounter in India. With the number of startups and brands in as many industries, It’s important to understand the legal framework of trademarks to a large extent. Trademarks are part of the important assets for the business. Telling the market on the uniqueness of […]