WIPO Trademark Search

WIPO Trademark Search

Brand protection is essential in this digitally interconnected world. A trademark might be any word, phrase, symbol, design, or any combination there of that allows customers to differentiate one’s products or services from another’s. It could be said to be an integral and priceless intangible asset of the company. which fosters brand recognition and thus […]

ISO 21508 Certification Earned Value Management Project And Program Management

ISO 21508 Certification is a key element of project and program management. Earned value system or EVM is a significant topic. The certification can help companies handle their projects more effectively. The EVM technique helps assess the project’s performance, and safeguard that tasks are completed on time within budget, and by the specified deadline. Earned […]

What is The Idea Behind ISO Certification?

In the modern world, fully globalized businesses are looking for ways to be unique in the very competitive global marketplace. Lately, it has brought about uniqueness among several organizations using ISO certification. But What is The Idea Behind ISO Certification? and why has it been very highly recognized. What is ISO? A non-governmental, autonomous international […]

Trademark Registration in Ahmedabad

Introduction When you think of Ahmedabad, an immensely lively commercial metropolis with unlimited potential for enterprise but also a fiercely competitive environment, trademarking your brand remains a top priority across all spheres of activity there. Trademark Registration in Ahmedabad constitutes a basic legal guarantee for the names, images, and slogans to represent your company. This […]

Best Trademark Attorney in India

Trademark Attorney in India Build brand identity and reputation in the market and industries and give a unique and different identification to your goods and services with the help of the Best Trademark Attorney in India. Best Trademark Attorney A Star Legal Associates is the top firm in North India and 5th best firm in […]

ISO Computer Certification

Introduction Standards and protocols underpin further development in technology—a complex world. On top of just being a piece of digital trash, ISO Computer Certification has an intrinsic value all its own. That one claim proves your status as an expert; it explains that a person never stops striving for perfection and opens many doors of […]

ISO Certificate Download

Introduction These days, it is unimaginable to be credible and maintain quality in business without such certification. For many field practice organizations, ISO certifications have become one of the biggest approaches. The International Organization for Standardization issues such certificates. They mean a company confirms its conformance to the international norms widely accepted in areas like […]

Trademark for Partnership Firms

Introduction: Trademark for Partnership Firms are top-rated in the market because of their simplicity. It gives many people an opportunity to come together and combine their skills, resources, and strengths to run a business. TM registration is not compulsory for partnership firms, but it helps to protect your business and brand name. If you are […]

Documents Required for Trademark Registration in India

Overview Companies and businesses must register a trademark. This is not a very complicated process, but it requires several documents to complete the process. The document requirements vary for different types of applicants. The process of trademark registration requires only scanned copies of the original documents. Different types of applicants for trademark registration Required Documents […]