Importance of Trademark in Startup & Branding Industry in India

Trademark Hearing Process in India

A trademark hearing is a chance given by a trademark registrar to a trademark applicant to resolve objections raised by an examiner or opposition raised by any third party. It provides a certain period for the public and parties to raise their opposition. When the examiner is not satisfied with the reply of an applicant […]

Trademark Opposition Process in India

Introduction: When a company or businesses register for their trademark in the registrar’s office. Once the registry office accepts the trademark application, it undergoes an important step- publication of that application in a trademark journal for 4 months. During this whole time, any general individual raises opposition against the trademark. This step is extremely important […]

Identify The Statement Which Are Correct About Trademark

Introduction Identify The Statement Which Are Correct About Trademark, The supposedly innocuous symbols, slogans, and designs that flaunt goods and services are times without number misunderstood for misconceptions about trademarks. Much more than ornament, these are robust weapons to protect brand identity, engender trust with consumers, and ensure fair play in competition. There is a […]

How to Trademark A Name in India

Introduction In the busy market of India, brand identity holds paramount importance. Thus, knowing How to Trademark A Name in India is very important to protect your business’s intellectual property. The trademark implies a specific right of use for a certain term symbol or logo; hence, it keeps your business safe from unlawful use or […]

Efiling Trademark in India

Introduction In India, even procedures concerning legal and administrative processes are online, including the registration of trademarks. Efiling Trademark in India is one of the simplest yet most efficient means to protect brand identity within the market. In this very comprehensive guide, all the nitty-gritty associated with the electronic filing procedure will be looked at, […]

Download Trademark Certificate

Introduction Congratulations! Approval is granted for your request for a trademark. This is a big win for your brand, providing you and you alone the right to employ your selected symbol, word, phrase, or design word to distinguish your goods or services. But what comes next in the process of cementing your brand’s protection? Download […]

Trademark Search Status India

Trademarks are now essential components of any business. Without making the identity of our own business under the legal process can might have the problem in the future. Anyone else can take our business or organization name, logo, tagline, or whatever we need for the business. Once you have done the registration, the main part […]