ISO 2859-1 Certification

ISO 2859-1 Certification- astarlegal

ISO 2859-1 Certification


This part of ISO 2859-1 specifies the sampling system by characteristics. And this sampling is for acceptance for inspection. It is index as an Acceptance Quality Limit. Its purpose is to motivate all the suppliers who have received non-acceptance to achieve the process average as much as AQL. Also, psychological pressure is to motivate them to achieve the process average at least as much as the specified AQL. When sometimes a bad lot is accepted, then there is also a risk in this. Its function is to provide upper limits for these risks. Sampling plans are adopt in this part of ISO 2859-1 Certification. 

What is iso 2859-1?

ISO 2859-1 is a standard. Are guides all companies? It creates sampling plans to evaluate the quality level of a lot. It offers sampling guidelines. This 2859-1 standard introduces AQL. This AQL represents the maximum number of defects that are acceptable for production.

Benefits of iso 2859-1 

This standard helps organizations to determine the procedure to be follow. It helps organizations to determine the representative percentage of samples, and the number of defective samples. This number of samples will classify the batch as a failed batch. As we have told you, this is a standard. Therefore, it is also used as a standard in quality management of different industries at the international level. Along with this, it is also used for acceptance sampling. It helps organizations

What is The Requirement For ISO 2859-1 Certification?

As we know, this standard aims to inspect 100% of production batches of twenty or fifty units. These inspections take only one day and cannot take longer than that. That is why it is require via production organizations. Every manufacturing company needs to have a system to inspect their products. There are two difficulty levels of production checks. The first is destructive testing. The second is supplier reputation.

How to get iso 2859-1 certification? 

ISO organization is an independent organization. There is no rule or interference of the government in it. So, the government does not have any role in issuing ISO. This work is done via The members of ISO. These members are third parties. The members who issue this certification are certification bodies. For ISO certification, it is most important that you first choose a certification body. After that, you contact this body and get complete certification information.

Apply for certification. After that, your organization inspection by their team. And it will be checked that quality of your organization is of international level. If your organization is not of that level, then your organization will be made of international-level quality by Giving proper training. When your organization’s quality is globally certified, the editor will prepare a final report and send it to the registrar. After that, you will get this certification.

What is the new version of ISO 2859-1 Certification?

The new version of ISO 2859-1 certification is ISO 2859-2 certification. It was revised in 2020. It includes inspection sampling plans based on production characteristics. And introduces LQ. The full form of LQ is of limited quality.



Iso 2859-1 certification guides all companies. And this certification is AQL. Its purpose is to motivate all suppliers who have received non-acceptance to achieve the process average by AQL. Representative percentage of samples. The number of defective samples is included in it. The objective of this standard is to inspect 100% of production batches of twenty or fifty units. The new version of ISO 2859-1 certification is ISO 2859-2 certification.

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