Trademark Registration in Chandigarh, Fast and Easy Apply

Trademark Registration in Hanumangarh – Process, Benefits, Documents

Hanumangarh, located in Rajasthan, is a prosperous city known for its rich culture and economic growth. Many entrepreneurs and businessmen seek trademark registration in Hanumangarh to protect their brands and ensure long-term success. Registered trademark helps to avoid infringement and unauthorized use of any brand name and logo. If you also thinking about trademark registration […]

Trademark Rectification

Introduction A trademark is a unique and distinct word, logo, design, text, image or a combination of these that helps to distinguish products and services from one brand to another. It is most important for any business and company as it provides them protection and legal rights to use the trademark. If any mistake or […]

User Affidavit For Trademark

Introduction The process of trademark registration is based on the concept of first use and first claim. The person or group that applies for the TM first gets priority. When two trademark applications are applied simultaneously, they are compared, now the one who claims to have used the trademark first and provides a user affidavit […]

Trademarking in the Digital Age

Trademark dilution has become a major problem for brands in the digital age. It refers to when the distinctiveness of a famous mark is weakened through unauthorized use, blurring, and tarnishing. The widespread reach of the Internet makes these issues even worse. To avoid these risks, businesses should take proactive measures such as registering trademarks […]