How to Check Company ISO Certified in India

How to Check Company ISO Certified in India

How to Check Company ISO Certified in India


The ISO certification standards that have grown via ISO, in contemporaneity and cooperation with other global standard organizations everywhere the world, are multinational recognize and accept and explain the good way to do a particular activity, covering many different industries, when we have to establish a business relationship with a company.

If that company claims that it is ISO certified, it becomes imperative to know whether it is certified. That is why we have told you in this article that you can check the validity of any product and How to Check Company ISO Certified in India.

The primary objective of ISO  certification is to bring experts together to share information to create relevant multi-national standards that help the process of insurgence and give solutions to issues in all industries all over the world. 

How to Verify ISO Certification Online?

Getting ISO certification is very important for better management. External bodies have the authority to issue ISO certification. It is also necessary to check the accuracy of ISO certification. We need to check that we are ISO certified.

ISO certified means ISO certification is verified. To check company is ISO certified we contact those bodies. We have received certification from them. ISO certification is also check on the official website of external bodies.

1. IAF ISO Certification 

IAF ISO certification is issued via the proper agency that is certified via IAF (Multinational Authorization Forum).  these agencies issue IAF ISO certification for a minimal validity of three years after auditing the organization firm or company.

To check the IAF ISO certificate, first of all, go to the company whose verification you want to do, whether the company is ISO certified or not, and see below, the website of the agency that has issued that certificate will mention.

Open that website and write the certificate number in it. After filling in all the details, all the data of the company’s certificate will appear and you will know that this company is certified.

2. Non-IAF ISO Certification

Non-IAF Certification can issued from other countries as well. Its validity is also a minimum of 3 years. The one who issues it is not a member of any agency.

Non-IAF Certification Influence has a website to confirm\ check and Check the Authentication of the ISO(International Standard Organization) Certification in India.

then you can check and verify  Non-IAF Certification easily with the respective brand agency website.

ISO Certificate Key Points

An ISO certificate given via a company to showcase its ISO certification is need to involve important key points. There is a need for important points within the certification that a buyer of the organization’s services will deem relevant and requirements to assess the verification of the certificate.

Certification Number

The certification number is a reference number that is hitch directly to that organization, and is a unique number connect with their certification and may be used for searching validity.

Standard(s) Being Certified

The certification should indicate the ordinary the entity is certifying upon. like example, ISO/IEC 27001.

Scope Certifying

The scope silhouettes the locations and trade functioning that are cover via the certificate.

Expiry Date

An ISO certificate is valid for 3  years, and is subject meter to demand annual surveillance inspection.

Accreditation Body Name And Accreditation Body Logo

This is the recognition of the global accreditation authoritative bodies that give the accreditation to the certificate bodies for the certificate body to entitled to conduct the certification processes.

Certificate Body Name And Logo

This is the specification of the third party. the lead auditor who has assessed. whether the company complies with the suitable ISO standard. 


How to Check Company ISO Certified in India, now can Users of the certification research and analyze, whether the certification is valid.

present certification issues via a recognize certification body and identify a responsible authorization body. so that it is a multinational-recognized certification.

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