ISO 13485 Certification 

ISO 13485 Certification- asl

ISO 13485 Certification 


ISO 13485 Certification is the quality management system. This is a medical device industry quality management system (QMS); it applies to an organization’s ability to create and implement a quality management system. ISO will set out specific quality management system requirements for the internationally conformed standard medicine device industry. The core objective of this ISO 13485 is patient safety. It will ensure unchangeable design, development, manufacturing, storage and distribution, induction or servicing, and delivery of medical devices Who can issue ISO certification? Who has this authority? Let’s move ahead.

Who Can Issue ISO 13485 Certification?

We need to know who is eligible to obtain This certification. This will ensure that your registrar (Certification Body referred to as “CB”) has the right credentials. Many people believe that the CB will provide ISO certification to the organization. But this is not right   The registrar providing iso certification ). You also need to understand that your registrar must be part of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF). And must also be ISO/IEC 17021:2015 certified. We often say “ISO certified”. But this is not correct, ISO certification will not issue any kind of certificate. It will only certify any company, organization, or industry. The Registrar will issue the certification which we call CB. The registrar is independent of ISO. CB should get the membership of IAF. Only then CB will get international recognition. Now let us discuss the validity of iso.

How long is the validity of ISO 13485 Certification?

This Certification is valid for three years only. ISO conducts inspection audits every year to check whether the organization is maintaining the ISO value standards during these three years. Generally, the validity of all types of ISO will be three years only. The validity of this certification is three years. In this we have learned what is the time duration of ISO, now we will move ahead and tell you what will be the cost of certification. 

How much does cost to get ISO 13485 Certification?

The cost of ISO 13485 certification is based on 1. Number of medical devices manufactured and types of medical devices 2. Sector of the business or company etc. Can an indie individual achieve iso certification Let’s take a look at this.

Can Anyone Obtain ISO 13485 Certification?

This is a standard. It regulates the processes of the organization. Any person can not give ISO certification. Because it is related to business.  Any person will not give the iso certification. It is only given to the individual’s organization, company, or industry. It will not certify you, it will recognize your business. This business gets many benefits which we will tell further.

What are the benefits of ISO 13485 Certification?

ISO 13485 is already recognized as the international standard for quality management systems in the medical device industry. Organizations, industries, and companies that have received ISO certification can show their ISO certification to their customers and other stakeholders. And the company, organization, and industry can prove that they have implemented quality management systems and comply with all regulations. Why do we need it at all? What is the need for ISO for our business? Dive deeper.

Why ISO 13485 Certification is needed?

ISO standards are reviewed every five years to determine if any revisions are necessary to keep them relevant in a competitive marketplace. Implemented ISO 13485:2016 to keep pace with changing practices and to provide the latest quality management system standards. Hence the need for ISO certification.



As we told you iso certification 13485 is a Medical Device Industry Quality Management System (QMS). ISO 13485 certification will not require certification like other ISO management chain standards This allows organizations to reap many of the benefits of implementing the standard without going through the certification process. This increases the reputation of the business. This is very important for business and all organizations are required to obtain this certificate.  

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