ISO 14064 Certification- Greenhouse Gases(GHG)

ISO 14064 Certification- a star legal

ISO 14064 Certification- Greenhouse Gases(GHG)


Presents a purview of ISO 14064, a global standard that deals with analyzing and calculating greenhouse gas emissions and verifying this information. It will give a panorama of the framework of the standard and bestow key facets of its design and application. ISO 14064 certification is a technical specification and is environment policy-neutral.

ISO 14064 lives as a lead, for the private and public zones in improving  GHG repertoires for their organization, as well as a basis for law marks and schedule developers to improve initiatives to address the world environmental provocation of climate change. Next, we’ll find out what it means. And what is its structure and what does it include?

Standard Structure

The standard has three sections:

  • ISO 14064-1:2018 specifies theory and necessity at the organizational step for the quantification and recounting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emanation and removals. This involves the necessity for the design, improvement, management, recounting, and confirmation of an organization’s GHG inventory.
  • ISO 14064-2:2019 specifies theory necessity and recommendation at the project stage.
  • ISO 14064-3:2019 specifies theory necessity and recommendations for those supervising or handling the verification and/or confirmation of greenhouse gas (GHG) profession. Organizational or GHG plan quantification, involving GHG appraisal, monitoring, and description following ISO 14064-1 or ISO 14064-2. 

What is the GHG Protocol?

The GHG Protocol (The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Common Bookkeeping and Reporting Standard ) is a device for governance and trade to manage GHG flow. Develop WRI and WBCSD, which is a complement to ISO 14064. The GHG Protocol helps with accurate carbon footprint assessment and tagging of flow decrease. Dive deeper into iso  14064  verification and validation.

GHG Verification and Validation

  • GHG verification and evidence and describe the company’s emissions details. Businesses collect their greenhouse gas (GHG) edience and validation evaluation for a variety of explanations. This may be for yearly reports, to meet continuity requirements, or to transmit GHG decrease accomplishment to your customers.
  • Verifying your GHG flow establishes your commitment to justifiable. and shows that your decrease is tangible, credible, and gaugeable to outside stakeholders.
  • GHG verification and validation is Supervising under ISO 14063-3 standards. It confirms that your trade’s current GHG discharge is compliant with communication standards, structure, and requirements. This organization has many benefits which are as follows



ISO 14064 & GHG concord acts as a functional business device for organizations to assent to current greenhouse gas catalog regulations or make ready for future ones. This is also one of the methods to manage possibilities in environmental management. ISO 14064 can be used to decrease. Now let’s go to verification, and see about its steps. 

Steps of Greenhouse Gas Verification

1 Preliminary investigation evaluation: To judge the TÜV SÜD PSB’s capacity to take on specific verification services counting required assets, cost, and time.

2 Verification preparation: To supervise strategic & fear evaluation of the organization or project’s function and plan for the verification operation

3 Supervise verification: To accomplish desktop review and internal verification activities.confirm of Verification announcement and Statement.

TÜV SÜD is your companion for ISO 14064 greenhouse gas (GHG) flow verification and validation.

With wide expertise, TÜV SÜD bestows the following benefits for organizations globally and in different  industries:

  • Verification and validation of GHG  inventories.
  • Assessment of GHG knowledge systems and their management. 
  • Assessment of GHG details and knowledge.
  • Assessment unwilling verification or validation standards.
  • Confirm of verification and validation pronouncement. Iso certificate 14064 is very important for the organization.  Let us find out why it is important for the organization.


ISO 14064 Certification is an extra standard to the ISO 14000 family of global environmental management standards. Governance and industries can apply these standards to decrease GHG flow control carbon footprints, and facilitate flow trading. The ISO 14064 standard comprises three parts. Each part recreates an important part in ISO 14064 standards and GHG verification. These parts specify different necessities of the standard and verification.


To tackle climate modification more effectively and manage greenhouse gas (GHG), organizations are required to proactively Study their action more frequently. ISO 14064 certification is an extra standard to the ISO 14000 family of global environmental management standards. Governance and industries can apply these standards to decrease GHG flow control carbon footprints, and facilitate flow trading.

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