RoHS Certification Consultants in India

RoHS Certification Consultants in India

RoHS Certification Consultants in India


New industries are developing rapidly in India. The number of manufacturing organizations is also increasing. Competition in the country is also increasing due to these new industries. Testing of product items has also become equally important. The organization should test the product items so that these harmful substances do not reach the customers. and all moments to ban them keeping all these requirements in this vein. ROHS certification has been implemented. Its purpose is to ban dangerous substances. 

The organizations in which this certification is applicable, do not produce any dangerous product. Those organizations are trusted more. We will talk about RoHS Certification Consultants in India. Such consultants will give you all the information related to this certification and will also help you in getting this certification.

What is RoHS Certification?

RoHS certification is the restriction of hazardous substances. This certification restricts hazardous substances. It is a product compliance regulation. This standard restricts the hazardous substances present in electric products. It also prohibits their use. According to Rohs, the following materials should not be more than required in the product.

The amount of material approved should be used in the product. Some limit quantity has determined the use of these materials in the product – hexavalent chromium, lead, polybrominated biphenyl (PBB), mercury, polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE), cadmium, etc.

If the product is within that limit, then the product is benign. And if the amount of these materials is increasing in the product, then the product comes under the category of dangerous products. ROHS restricts these hazardous substances. It receives standards. ROHS certification.

What Are The Benefits of RoHS Certification?

This certification saves the customers from dangerous substances. Dangerous substances are restrictions. It provides consumer safety and protects the customers from such harmful products which can affect the health of the consumer and make them sick. It provides more satisfaction to the customers. By banning the dangerous substances, it also warns other organizations that produce such dangerous substances. It reduces the possibility of production of such goods in the area.

It boosts the quality of the products of the organizations. With this, the organizations take advantage of competition. Such organizations that produce dangerous substances are closed down and have restrictions. This provides opportunities for new organizations in the market. And our market remains safe from such organizations which produce these substances.

RoHS consulting provider A Star Legal Associates is a team of specialized experts providing specialized faculty to guide your companies and organizations. A Star legal associate specializing in providing comprehensive certification, registration, and licensing services both domestically and internationally tailored to deserved needs. we have been a pioneer since 2004 in the field of legal with us businesses can achieve better advertising, superior, qualification-effective promotion, and efficient management.  

We will help and guide your organization. When you apply for this certification, we will remove all the shortcomings of your organization and implement all the management systems to improve your organization. We will also provide training to bring the quality of your organization to the international level.

We will prepare the final report of your organization and easily provide you with this Certification. This certification will enhance the quality of your organization. We provide you with better consultancy. Improve the quality of your organization. Guide the organization. To Contact Us visit our official website


RoHS puts restrictions on dangerous substances in the organization and prevents them from entering the market. This certification protects the customers from dangerous substances. Therefore, having this certification is very important in organizations. For this certification, you will have to get better information about it.

Contact us for RoHS Certification Consultants in India. We have nineteen years of experience in this field. We can issue you the RoHS certification. Contact us to get more information. We will give you splendid advice for your organization and also get you the certification.