Trademark Registration in Fazilka, Punjab

Fazilka Trademark Registration - a star legal associates

Trademark Registration in Fazilka, Punjab

Get your Trademark registration and brand registration done online near you in Fazilka with A Star Legal Associates. A trademark signifies a symbol or sign capable of being represented graphically.

A trademark registration service in Fazilka consists of words, patterns, shapes, pictures, and other different types of marks that signify your brand. It also uniquely identifies your products and services. Trademark also makes it easy for people to identify your brand. For more details about the Trademark, search below.  

Trademark Registration Consultants in Fazilka Call Now: +91 9314321001

What is Trademark Registration in Fazilka

Trademark registration is a combination of words that best describes your business. It is mainly a logo that is used to signify your product and services. 

Importance of Trademark Registration in Fazilka

  • It protects your brand legally.
  • You have the legal right to protect your products and services.
  • Registering a trademark increases market value and reputation.

Why do we need Trademark Registration in Fazilka?

We need trademark registration in Fazilka to prevent others from using the same trademark which is already registered.

Who can apply for Trademark Registration in Fazilka?

  • Individual
  • Organization
  • LLP’s
  • Foreigner
  • Foreign entity

Types of Trademark Registration in Fazilka

  • Product mark
  • Service mark
  • Collective mark
  • Certification mark
  • Shape mark
  • Word mark
  • Sound mark

Benefits of Trademark Registration in Fazilka

  • Protection against infringement
  • Protection for 10 years
  • Builds goodwill
  • Exclusive usage rights
  • Ensures product quality

Process for applying Trademark Registration in Fazilka

  • Search for a trademark that best signifies your business.
  • After searching choose the classes according to your trademark
  • After you choose the classes apply the trademark registration form offline or online 
  • After filing trademark officer will examine the application.
  • When all the requirements meet the application will be moved to Trademark Journal.
  • In case of objection, the trademark officer will ask a few questions which should be answered within 2 months.
  • If there is no objection your Trademark will be issued.

Documents required for Trademark Registration in Fazilka

  • Identity proof
  • Address proof
  • Business proof
  • Proof of payment
  • Trademark details
  • Form-48
  • Udyog Adhaar registration certificate


The cost of trademark registration in Fazilka, includes the application fee, examination fee, legal fee, and classes fee.

Validity time

Ten years.

Processing time

It takes almost 6-8 months to complete a Trademark process.

Trademark Registration Consultants in Fazilka

As we all know to register a trademark is to secure the business. Trademark not only legally protects your brand but also provides exclusive rights to your brand. So, if you also want to register a trademark or want to clear your queries about a trademark in Fazilka you can contact A Star Legal Associates.

Trademark Registration Consultants in Fazilka Call Now: +91 9314321001


Trademark registration online in Fazilka Punjab will help you to benefit your business. It helps people to differentiate between trademark products and other company products. People find it easy to recognize trademarked products. Also, people believe that trademarked products are of high quality.


Who approves the trademark?

The controller general of patents, design, and Trademarks (CGPDTM) authority approves the trademark.

What marks are not registrable

Marks that signify vulgar means are not registerable.

What happens if a Trademark is not used

If a trademark is not used for 5 years after registration from the date of publication then you will lose the rights for the trademark.

What is the cost of Trademark registration in Fazilka

Includes class fees, application fees, examination fees, and any legal fees.

What is the main purpose of a trademark in Fazilka?

Trademark’s main purpose is to protect the brand from unauthorized work.

Does TM mean Trademark?

Yes, TM means trademark. ™ symbol is used a trademark registration file is in process.

Where can I find a trademark registration consultant in Fazilka?

You can apply for trademark registration with us at A Star Legal Associates online in Fazilka.

Can I register a trademark for agricultural products in Fazilka?

Yes, you can register a trademark for agricultural products with us at A Star Legal Associates in Fazilka.

Who can apply for Trademark registration in Fazilka, Punjab

An individual, partnership firm, trust, or foreign company can apply for trademark registration.

Who can apply for Trademark registration very fast and at an affordable price?

A Star Legal Associates will provide you trademark very quickly and also in a very affordable price.