Formalities chk pass in Trademark

Formalities chk pass in Trademark

Formalities chk pass in Trademark


Trademarks play a very important role in protecting any business or brand. It is important to register a trademark to get all the legal rights to protect the brand or business. However, the process of trademark registration is very long, complex, and time-consuming. It is much more complicated than filling out an application form and waiting for its result.

But it involves many steps, including verifying that your application form is correct to register a trademark and it is meeting all the requirements properly. Among these stages, there will be some stages where the examiner can raise objections or any issue. And you will have to resolve all those issues. Along with fulfilling these issues and other requirements, you will also have to Formalities chk pass in Trademark.

What is formality chk passing?

The formality check pass ensures that your trademark application meets all the requirements made by the trademark registry office. This includes whether the application form is sign and dated and the required legal documents are attach.

Criteria used by authorities for registration of trademark

  • The documents should be type or handwritten and print in Hindi or English language. 
  • The application date and place should be correct.
  • Power of Attorney(if application form is filed by any agent)
  • The applicant’s signature should be on the documents. 
  • The required documents should be notari and consist stamp 
  • Properly defines the goods and services related to the trademark.
  • Udyam certificate with correct NIC
  • DPIIT certificate for startup company

Why formality chk passing is important

It is one of the most important steps in the whole process of trademark registration. Without passing this step, your trademark registration process will not proceed to the next step where the Registrar Officer will decide whether your trademark is registrable or not.

Failure to pass the formality check process can lead to delays and higher costs in the trademark registration process. If your application is reject, you will have to resolve all the issues and apply again which can be very costly.

Required action

There is no action required from the applicant’s side When a trademark application is in the process of “Formality Check Pass”.


Formalities Chk Pass status usually takes 6-8 working days. If the application form is not verify, the status of the application is change to Formality Check Fail. In that case, the applicant has to resolve all the issues raised during the check correctly. After submitting the response, if the registrar is fully satisfie with the answer of the applicant, then the registrar accepts it and changes the status of the application back to Formality Check Pass.

The applicant is given 30 days to respond to resolve the issues. After this, when all the checks are complete, the application goes for examination and the status changes to Marked for examination. The entire process of trademark registration takes 6-8 months to be successfully complete.

Next status:

this includes mainly 3 steps:

  • Marked for examination
  • Examination report issued
  • Accepted/Objected
  1. Marked for examination- This status means that your application is being examine by an authority. During this stage, they make sure that the mark is not violate by any other law and does not resemble any other trademark. If they find any fault, they can raise an issue. The status of the application “Marked for Examination” remains for 1-3 months.
  2. Examination report issued- When the application status changes to this, check your email regularly to know the issues or objections raised by officials. You get the exam report of your marks directly on your mail ID.
  3. Accepted/Objected- If no objection is raise in the Examination Report by the Registering Officer, the status of the application will appear as “Accepted”. If there are any objections then the status will be “Objection”.


In the process of Trademark Registration, Formalities chk pass in Trademark is considered to be a very important stage that is necessary to pass in the process of registration.

After ensuring that your application form meets all the requirements and is in order. you can proceed with your registration process. Before submitting your trademark application form, take some time to check whether meets all the requirements or not.

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