Everything You Should Understand About Logo Trademarks in India

Everything You Should Understand About Logo Trademarks in India- astarlegal

Everything You Should Understand About Logo Trademarks in India

As the world of business continues to progress, it has become increasingly important to safeguard the image of your company. getting a trademark registere is one of the most effective ways to protect the brand you have develop for your business. a trademark not only entitles you to your logo but also facilitates in the formation and protection of your business brand image. This is a complete guide covering everything you need to know about logo trademarks in India how to trademark a logo in India, the importance of trademark registration, and all the required steps.

Understanding the Logo Trademarks

A Logo trademarks in India is a symbol, design, or mark that differentiates a business’s products or services from those offered by competitors.

First, it is a perception as well as, being the biggest component of the total imagery impact. Nevertheless, it plays a crucial role in brand identification.

Trademarks can be a logo, a name, a slogan, even a jingle, or even the color of the product.

When your logo is trademarked, no one can use a mark that is very similar to yours because you have the legal right to use it.

Types of Trademarks

  1. Wordmark: The use of text-only symbols, name of the company, or name of the product as the trademark option.
  2. Logo: A drawing or graphic, which can often be an artistic work then can also be a pictorial representation or text.
  3. Slogan: This slogan is brief and easily remembered, representing the organization’s brand.
  4. Sound Mark: A musical tune linked to the brand, such as the Intel jingle.
  5. Combination Mark: A word usually composed of a logo and a word creates a single sign.

The Importance of Trademark Registration

Brand protection is very important and one of the actions that must be taken is trademark registration. Here are some key reasons why you should consider registering your logo trademark:

  • Legal Protection: A registered trademark gives the owner a legal right against anyone or anybody to use the related trademark.

It gives you the territorial exclusivity of the use of the trademark in relation to your goods or services.

  • Brand Recognition: The use of a distinctive logo trademark also aids in the identification of the brand by the consumers and thus increases brand loyalty.

Indeed, trademarking affords your products a distinctive look, it differentiates you from the competitors and brings value to your brand.

  • Asset Value: A registered trademark, an intangible fixed asset, contributes to the company’s valuation. It can be licens or sold, helping to develop multiple sources of income.
  • Nationwide Protection: Trademark registration in India offers territorial protection resulting in the registrant filing an infringement-tracker case anywhere in India.
  • International Expansion: Trademark registration in India can also provide the basis for trademark protection in foreign countries, which could be useful for international activities.

How to Trademark a Logo in India

In India, that is how the process of registration of a logo as a trademark looks like.

Here’s a comprehensive guide on trade marking a logo in India:

Conduct a trademark investigation before applying for registration to avoid using trademarks that are similar to existing ones belonging to another person.

You can do this search on the official website of the Controller General of Design Patents and Trademarks.

Step 2: Prepare the Trademark Application

After satisfying the distinctiveness of the logo, the next process is to draft the trademark submission.

This includes the applicant’s name and address, a picture of the trademark, and the type of goods or services it will cover.

As with any legal form, Consulting an attorney is recommended to correctly fill out the application and include all stipulated documents.

Step 3: File the Trademark Application

You can apply for a trademark online through the Trademark Office’s website or manually by visiting the office.

Together with the application, you will be require to make a payment that ischarging of the application fee, this depends on the applicant type, individual, start-up or small enterprise, and the mode of filing whether it is online or physical.

Step 4: Examination of the Application

Once the application is submitted, the Trademark Office thoroughly examines it.

The examiner studies the particular application to observe whether it meets all of the legal requirements and to seek the conflicts with other trademarks.

If there are any complaints, the affected persons will receive a notice of objection to present their side of the story.

Step 5: Published in the Trademark Journal

If the application passes the examination stage, the logo trademark is published in the Trademark Journal.

This publication allows the public to submit any objections to the trademark registration.

If no opposition will be filed within the specified time, the trademark shift to the next stage.

Step 6: Registration and Issuance of Trademark Certificate

The publication period lasts for 36 months, during which anyone with valid grounds can raise objections; otherwise, the trademark is registered, and a registration certificate is provided.

This certificate is useful to show that nobody else has the right to use the logo trademark except you.

Register Trademark Online

The steps for trademark registration online in India are clear and few, thus making it rather easy to achieve. Here is a detailed, step-by-step guide for registering a trademark online:

  • Create an Account: Go to the official website of the Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trademarks and set up an account.
  • Fill Out the Application: Using your account, access the trademark application form and input all necessary information entailing the trademark, submit a graphical image of the logo mark.
  • Pay the Fee: Complete the payment of the prescribed fee using the methods listed or describe in the website.
  • Submit the Application: After fill the application and pay the charges, submit it online.
  • Track the Application: One can also be able to use the website belonging to the official to monitor the status of an application for a trademark.

Maintaining Your Trademark
The trademark registration process does not end with registration but involves protection of your trademark.

Renewal of Trademark Registration

Trademark in India has a term of validity of ten years from the date of the application. They can be renewed for as long as one wants every ten years by paying the renewal fee that is provided.

Monitoring and Enforcing Trademark Rights
To achieve this, continuously track the market and the usage of your trademark. Protecting your rights involves writing emails or even taking action against the persons who are violating your rights.

Handling Infringement Cases
If a person utilizes a trademark that belongs to you without authorization you can sue him/her in a law court. The available legal remedies include injunctions, damages, and accounting for profits.

1. What is a trademark search, and why is it important?

A trademark search confirms that the logo to be registered is not already taken by another individual or organization. It is necessary to prevent possible problems and exclude situations when the application is not approved.

2. How long does it take to get a trademark registered in India?

Objections by the Examination and Publication Branch can lead to the extension of processing time up to 24 months on average for registering a trademark in India where several complexities can occur.

3. Can I trademark a logo that is already in use by another business?

No, trade marking a logo cannot be done. If the particular logo is already being the logo of a particular business entity. Therefore, before go for registration, It is wise to conduct a trademark search to facilitate for the logo of an invention to be unique.

4. What is the cost of trademark registration in India?

In India, trademark registration fees vary based on the applicant type and the filing method. The fees are generally lower for individuals, startups, and small enterprises compared to larger companies. And you can consult us about it- A Star legal

5. Can I register a trademark online, and what are the benefits of doing so?

Yes, you can register a trademark that you want to protect online by going to the official website. This can be done through the online registration process. Since it is convenient, and fast, and updates the status of the application through the Internet.


Registering a logo is a crucial process and is an important part of building the logo to generate long-term success.

This entire article helps the reader understand the process of logo Trademarks in India, there by protecting the uniqueness of the brand, increasing the visibility of the business, and keeping it safe from those who would seek to infringe on the logo.

If you decide to register, the trademark through the online process. By way of filing a physical application. Then the potential advice here is to make a very efficient and effective application that is as per all the legal provisions.

If applied correctly, you will be able to safeguard your logo trademark and lay down the proper basis for your future brand transformation.

The procedure of trademark registration remains a strong system to safeguard trademarks in India.

As noted in this guide and with the help of outside help, when necessary, you can successfully proceed with the trademark registration process and protect one’s brand.