Trademark Litigation in India

Trademark Litigation in India

Overview All trademarks in India are legally protected. Trademarks are used to protect businesses and their identity and reputation. It also helps them avoid trademark infringement. Trademark infringement means when someone uses a trademark similar to an already registered trademark without the permission of its owner. Trademark and Litigation provide legal rights to prevent infringers […]

Trademark Renewal And Restoration

Introduction With the development of India, the business sector is also increasing, due to which the demand for trademark registration is also increasing day by day. Trademark registration is most important for the protection and growth of any company. Trademark Renewal And Restoration. A trademark is a unique symbol, mark, or word that helps to […]

The Most Famous Trademark

Overview A well-known trademark is a mark which is recognized by the public. These trademarks are known as The Most Famous Trademark. And under the Trademark Act, they enjoy greater protection than regular registered marks. These TM have built their strong presence in the market and trust among the consumers. What Are Well-known Trademarks? These […]

Formalities chk pass in Trademark

Introduction Trademarks play a very important role in protecting any business or brand. It is important to register a trademark to get all the legal rights to protect the brand or business. However, the process of trademark registration is very long, complex, and time-consuming. It is much more complicated than filling out an application form […]

Use of Trademarks in Social Media

Overview In this era of social media, it has become very important to protect your profile, username, and your content from others. These apps like YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook have changed the way of uploading and sharing content. Nowadays everyone shares their brand products and services on social media so that more and more people […]

WIPO Trademark Search

Brand protection is essential in this digitally interconnected world. A trademark might be any word, phrase, symbol, design, or any combination there of that allows customers to differentiate one’s products or services from another’s. It could be said to be an integral and priceless intangible asset of the company. which fosters brand recognition and thus […]

Trademark Registration in Ahmedabad

Introduction When you think of Ahmedabad, an immensely lively commercial metropolis with unlimited potential for enterprise but also a fiercely competitive environment, trademarking your brand remains a top priority across all spheres of activity there. Trademark Registration in Ahmedabad constitutes a basic legal guarantee for the names, images, and slogans to represent your company. This […]