Best Trademark Attorney in India 2024

Trademark for Partnership Firms

Introduction: Trademark for Partnership Firms are top-rated in the market because of their simplicity. It gives many people an opportunity to come together and combine their skills, resources, and strengths to run a business. TM registration is not compulsory for partnership firms, but it helps to protect your business and brand name. If you are […]

Trademark Objection in India

Trademark registration is a very important factor in every company that wants to safeguard your trademark. But what one must often come across is that the application encounters opposition from the Trademark Registrar. So, if you have opposed a trademark, It does not mean that you are done with your trademark journey, but it means […]

Trademark Hearing Process in India

A trademark hearing is a chance given by a trademark registrar to a trademark applicant to resolve objections raised by an examiner or opposition raised by any third party. It provides a certain period for the public and parties to raise their opposition. When the examiner is not satisfied with the reply of an applicant […]

Trademark Opposition Process in India

Introduction: When a company or businesses register for their trademark in the registrar’s office. Once the registry office accepts the trademark application, it undergoes an important step- publication of that application in a trademark journal for 4 months. During this whole time, any general individual raises opposition against the trademark. This step is extremely important […]

Identify The Statement Which Are Correct About Trademark

Introduction Identify The Statement Which Are Correct About Trademark, The supposedly innocuous symbols, slogans, and designs that flaunt goods and services are times without number misunderstood for misconceptions about trademarks. Much more than ornament, these are robust weapons to protect brand identity, engender trust with consumers, and ensure fair play in competition. There is a […]