Difference Between ISO 9001 And ISO 9002

Difference Between ISO 9001 And ISO 9002- ASL

Difference Between ISO 9001 And ISO 9002


Difference Between ISO 9001 And ISO 9002 maintain quality within the organization. Both certifications are of international level. Both certifications are also of the 9000 series.  The two of them indicate the requirements for QMS in the organization. Both of them enhance the reputation of the organization. Despite the similarities between ISO 9001 certification and ISO 9002, some differences differentiate them from each other.

What is ISO 9001 Certification?

ISO 9001 is a quality standard. It outlines the quality management system and gives guidelines related to its requirements. The latest change in this certification was done in 2015. According to this revision, ISO 9002 reflects a process-centric framework. This process is for the organization to achieve success. And the quality of production is to make ready in high quality. Its purpose is to provide international-level quality to the goods and services of the organization.

What is ISO 9002 Certification?

ISO 9002 certification is name as Model for Quality Assurance, Installation, and Service. It is name Model. ISO 9002 came after ISO 9001. ISO 9002 covered all the concepts and guidelines related to ISO 9001. However, ISO 9002 did not give any guidelines or guidelines for the construction of new products. There is nothing about new production in iso 9002. 

The benefit of iso 9001 certification 

ISO 9001 certification improves customer satisfaction. Customer loyalty towards the organization increases. The quality of the goods and services being produce in the organization is develop. Better quality is achieve. This improves the efficiency of the organization. The possibility of errors is reduced. The risk of the organization is decrease. The organization’s time is save from being waste.

Benefits of iso 9002 certification

ISO 9002 certification outlines the needs for goods and services. This standard helps organizations to confirm these requirements are met. It also advises on how to meet the needs of ISO 9001 certification. It is an extension of the  ISO 9001 certification.

How to get iso 9001 and iso 9002 certification?

ISO organization is an independent organization. There is no rule or interference of the government in it. This work is done via the members of ISO. These members are third parties. The members who issue this certification are certification bodies. For ISO certification, it is most important that you first choose a certification body. After that, you contact this body and get complete certification information. Apply for certification. After that, your organization will be inspected by their team.

It will be checked that the quality of your organization is of international level. If your organization is not of that level, then your organization will be made of international-level quality by giving proper training. When your organization’s quality is globally certified, the editor will prepare a final report and send it to the registrar. After that, you will get this certification.


  • If we compare the ISO 9001 standard and the ISO 9002 standard, it is found that the ISO 9001 standard is the most update version. The 9001 standard was last update in 1994. This is its latest version. It is a hybrid of inter-level. ISO 9001 standard guides the QMS in the development, design, installation, and production of products and services. But this is not the case with ISO 9002 certification. It focuses only on installation, servicing, and production.
  • If we go into detail then we will know that the ISO 9002 standard was not the same as the ISO 9001 standard. Nowadays, many organizations can apply ISO 9001 certification and they omit those sections that are not found in the organization or do not apply at all. Such as development and design.
  • ISO 9001 certification sets requirements for a company whose business processes may include development and design, production, servicing, and installation. But this is not the case with ISO 9002 standards It is suitable for companies whose business processes require only product development and design requirements.


ISO 9002 certification is no longer in existence. This certification was established when the ISO 9001 standard was modified in 2000. The ISO 9002 standard covered all the concepts and instructions of ISO 9001 but did not contain any guidelines for product design requirements. We hope that what we have told you in this article about the Difference between ISO 9001 and ISO 9002 has given you an understanding of the difference between the ISO 9001 standard and ISO 9002 standard. If you want to contact us and get a consultation from us regarding this.

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