KOSHER Certification Process in India

KOSHER Certification Process in India - a star legal

KOSHER Certification Process in India


Kosher certification gives the necessary policies for preparing food that is edible according to Jewish diets. This food is prepare under the needs of Jewish law. This food meets these needs. We will attain information about the KOSHER Certification Process in India.

What is The Kosher Certification Process?

This certification gives the necessary policies for food-producing companies to make goods under this certification. It also explains the regulations of this certification to the food organizations. It guides the company. This certification gives better quality to the companies. And it specifies the need of Jewish dietary laws for food-producing companies. Companies establish good management with this certification. The method of obtaining kosher certification. The process of obtaining certification. This is the kosher certification process.

How to Get Kosher Certification in India?

Step-1 Estimating

First of all, check the management going on in the organization. And find out whether your organization really needs Kosher certification. And your organization is eligible to get this certification. The first thing to do is to estimate whether the organization really needs Kosher certification.

Step-2 Selecting an Agency

If you want to get your organization certified as Kosher, then for this you need to select a better certification agency. The basis of getting this certification is the certification agency. The certification agency is called the certification body. Therefore, for this certification, first of all, you have to choose the body which is capable of doing Kosher certification for your organization. It is important to choose those bodies which have the authority to issue this certification.

Step-3 Application Form

All the information about this certification is obtained by contacting the body. All the necessary information and important documents of the organization will come inside it.

Step-4 Product Information

To give you better details of the organization, you are also required to prepare a list of your products and give it to the body. So that the body can know the type of your business and get the details related to your products.

Step-5 Audit

The details provide in the application form will verified. A member of your organization body will verify the information. This member is the auditor. He will inspect your organization.

Step-6 Verification

The auditor will check all the policies and management systems of your organization. Conduct a legal audit of your organization. Check the production of the organization. Also, ensure that there are no illegal activities in the organization.

Step-7 Final Report

A final report of your organization will be prepared after all the policies and management systems of your organization, all the information of the organization, quality of business, information of products, etc. are correct.

Step-8 Obtaining Kosher Certification

After the final report is prepared, you will get Kosher certification. The validity of Kosher certification is for one year. You will need to renew your kosher certification each year.

Who Can Get This Certification?

Companies that create food are eligible for it. They can get kosher certification. Food ingredient Processors and transporters are also suitable for this certification. Food retailers also require this certification. They can also obtain this certification. Restaurants can also obtain this certification. 

These manufacturers are also eligible for certification. Food storage and additives can also obtain this certification. Food chemical work is done in laboratories, they also require this certification. Companies working in the food cosmetics business require certification, and they can also obtain this certification. Kosher certification is required by all organizations related to food industries. These organizations can also apply for this certification. And can obtain Kosher certification.

What Documents Are Require For Kosher Certification?

  • Kosher certification requires details of your company.
  • The application form for obtaining this certification requires the details of your product.
  • This certification requires documents related to the list of raw materials of the organization.
  • This certification requires documents related to the request for product approval.
  • This certification also requires documents related to the details of the production plant.
  • This certification also requires documents related to the details of the production process.


We told you about the kosher certification process in India. You can also get this certification from Astar Legal Associates. kosher certification is a system that assure that Food ingredient is produce in the companies under Jewish dietary laws.

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