WIPO Trademark Search

WIPO Trademark Search- A star legal

WIPO Trademark Search

Brand protection is essential in this digitally interconnected world. A trademark might be any word, phrase, symbol, design, or any combination there of that allows customers to differentiate one’s products or services from another’s. It could be said to be an integral and priceless intangible asset of the company. which fosters brand recognition and thus brand loyalty among customers. However, before investing one’s time and resources into building a brand, the proper trademark search is paramount. That is where the WIPO Trademark Search joins in.

The Role of WIPO in Trademark Protection

WIPO is one of the specialized firms of the United Nations, with the mandate to promote intellectual property rights across the globe. It plays an instrumental role in promoting trademark registration and protection through the Madrid System, which is the only centralized system for filing international trademark applications in the world. WIPO has at its disposal a very strong tool for conducting trademark searches: the Global Brand Database.

A WIPO search report is important for several reasons:

Avoid Infringement:

It helps you determine the similarity or identity between your proposed trademark and existing registered trademarks, thereby avoiding the risks of legal disputes and expensive rebranding programs.

Availability Search:

It confirms the availability of your preferred trademark for registration within your desired markets. In this estimate, one can make informed decisions in their branding strategy.

Competitive Intelligence:

It gives valuable information regarding competitors’ trademarks to identify potential conflicts with yours and thus formulate strategies for differentiation.

Brand Protection:

By finding like-sounding trademarks, you can take proactive action against brand misuse or dilution.

The WIPO Global Brands Database provides easy searching of trademarks. The steps are below:

Access to database:

Log on to the WIPO website and then enter into the Global Brand Database.

Choose Search Criteria:

You can opt for the kind of search you want to conduct: trademark name, image, Vienna Classification, or Madrid System application number.

Put your search term:

Enter the name of the trademark you are searching for, or, if it’s an image search, you can also upload an image.

Refine Your Search:

You will be able to narrow down your search by giving information on the countries or regions you are interested in, along with the goods and services associated with the trademark.

Review Search Results:

The database will generate a listing of trademarks that match your specs of what you entered into the search. Go through each result and observe how similar or otherwise the mark is to your proposed trademark.

Interpreting Search Results

Carefully consider the results of a WIPO trademark search. Normally, attention has to be paid to the following aspects:

Identical or Similar Marks:

A mark that is identical to yours, or very similar to yours, covering the same or related goods and services are most risky for a conflict.

Geographical Scope:

Consider the countries or regions within which similar trademarks are register. instance your mark markets overlap, then the risk of confusion is largest.

Trademark Status:

Whether the similar trademarks are register or pending. The registered marks are more strongly protect, while pending marks may still be dangerous.

Tips for Effective WIPO Trademark Searching

To maximize the effectiveness of your WIPO trademark search, keep the following tips in mind:

Be Thorough:

Consider conducting a thorough search using a variety of different search terms, criteria, and different combinations. Look for synonyms, alternative spellings, and translations of your proposed trademark.

Seek Professional Help:

If you are in any doubt about interpreting the search results and evaluating the risk of conflict, consider seeking advice from a qualified attorney specializing in trademarks.

Do not completely depend on WIPO:

The WIPO Global Brand Database is brilliant, but it does not include all existing trademarks; hence there are other national and regional trademark databases that need to be searching to make a complete search.

If your WIPO trademark search returns hits that might be problematic, here are some things you can do:

Modify Your Trademark:

Consider modifying your proposed trademark if it is confusingly similar to existing ones.

Coexistence Agreement:

you may be able to enter into a coexistence agreement with the owner of an identical/similar trademark under some circumstances that specifically allows both marks to peacefully coexist.

Challenge the Registration:

If any of the register trademarks is consider, in your view, either invalid or ought not to have been register at all, then you may be able to challenge the registration legally.


The WIPO search for marks forms an integral part of the process of branding, giving you the full view to make informed decisions on your trademark. It helps in reducing legal risks and protects brand value worldwide. It is that investment of priceless time and strenuous effort that builds such a monumental base for a firm and everlasting brand identity.

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